Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Virginia

Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Virginia
Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Virginia

Chartered June 3, 2023

The Sinclair family has held a long-cherished spot in the minds and hearts of romantics and historians alike. A Scottish family of noble origins, the Sinclair family created one of the most legendary and mysterious objects of study, the famous Rosslyn Chapel. This Chapel, constructed in the 15th Century, has claimed the attention of Templar and Masonic enthusiasts for a very long time, most notably in the early 2000’s with the rise of Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code. Legends aside, The Sinclair family’s Chapel is a source of wonder and mystery for symbologists, seekers, and esotericists, possessing features such as the famed Apprentice’s Pillar, carvings of apparent-Templar signage, and other symbolic carvings. Over the lintel of the famous pillar is a quote from which reads “Forte est vinu; Fortior est Rex; Fortiores sunt mulieres; sup om vincit veritas.” 1 Esdras details us the story of this contest, which we find in our Templar ritual. The Sinclair family motto, Commit Thy Work to God, is near in the heart of all those who kneel at the sacred altar and take upon the mantle of Chivalric Masonry.

More locally, the name Sinclair has a special place in Masonry in Manassas. Charles A. Sinclair Jr, lifelong member of Manasseh Lodge No. 182, and a myriad of other appendant bodies, was known as “Mr. Mason” throughout Virginia. His most notable role was serving as Grand Lecturer of the Grand Lodge of Virginia for many years, and many members of the Manasseh family have fond memories of his tenure as Brother and servant to the Craft. Both these local and historical names gave them the impetus for their use as this Commandery’s namesake.

In 2022, various Sir Knights from across the Commonwealth, as well as neighboring jurisdictions such as Maryland and the District of Columbia toyed with the idea of a new type of Commandery in the area. This Commandery would take the best parts of Chivalric Masonry: the solemnity of ritual, the focus on the Chivalric foundations of Knighthood, and the spiritual lessons in the teachings of Jesus, and create an accessible way for those interested to meet and have fellowship as Knights Templar.

What resulted, in a most expedient manner, was a Commandery that wished to focus on the education and emphasis of the core Christian principles, such as universal love for all, and the communion with Deity when surrounded by those of like mind and spirit. The Sir Knights of Sinclair Commandery espouse the Chivalric values of honor, loyalty, courage, justice, and generosity. From a petition requirement of at least nine Sir Knights came 18 who believed in these ideals and created this Commandery, including two more from neighboring jurisdictions, and four additional affiliates as well. Even before they reached their one year anniversary, Sinclair Commandery welcomed four candidates into the ranks of Templary in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and will continue to do as Templar Masonry flourishes.

By Sir Knight Joseph Martinez, Eminent Commander

Online Donation Portal

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The Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Virginia’s IT Committee is please to announce that Phase 2 of the IT Modernization objective has been completed.

There is now an Online Donation Portal for the Baldwin-Brown Fund and the Holy Land Pilgrimage Fund. There will be future updates with the Permanent Fund and the Educational Foundation to be included.