Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Virginia

Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Virginia
Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Virginia

Grand Commandery of Virginia Bicentennial Celebration

View photos and videos from the Bicentennial Celebration.

Fraternal Greetings!

Happy 200th Year Anniversary to us!

Knights Templar of Virginia has come a long way. We celebrated our Bicentennial Year at our Grand Conclave on May 4-6, 2023 at Double Tree Hotel, Williamsburg, VA. This is where the Knights Templar of Virginia began in 1823. I did not imagine that I will be a part of this momentous occasion. It was truly a magnanimous celebration. It makes my heart swells to hear positive and truly awesome comments that re-energized not only me but the Sir Knights as well.

Some of the comments received were: this is one of the finest Masonic gatherings they have attended; the several events and activities were great examples of hospitality and history, the Bicentennial Conclave was executed with precision and grandeur.

It was a truly spectacular festivity as we were blessed with the presence of the Grand Encampment of USA Grand Master and his Grand Line Officers and the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia and other dignitaries from different Masonic Adult and Youth Organizations and different jurisdictions to name a few. I saw and experienced the unity and closeness of the Templar and Masonic Family, a true testament of the meaning of chivalry.

The Bicentennial Grand Conclave was very significant and what a way to start the next 100 years. The Order of the Temple Degree knighted thirty-six new Sir Knights, the first ever held at a Grand Conclave.

A big shout out to Sir Knight Jeff Cole Hedges, a simple piano player as what he will always say, our Bicentennial Chairman with a big heart that brought the Bicentennial Celebration a first class event to remember.

In reflecting upon the past year, I am deeply humbled by the support that I have received from all of you. The confidence you have shown in elevating me to the highest honor has given me priceless experience and growth. I hope that I have met your expectations. I am most grateful, but even more so for the love, lessons, knowledge and friendship I have gained. These will be treasured forever.

Thank you to the Sir Knights, the Masonic Family, and friends for all your generous donation and unconditional support. The experiences I gained made me feel a little taller as a Templar Mason and for that, I am truly grateful.

Please accept my sincere appreciation and gratitude for allowing me this great and memorable privilege.

Thank you to my family, for their patience during this busy year, especially to my Amazing Grace. You are my inspiration!

It took many hands to keep the Grand Commandery working smoothly. You gave it all. We worked hard, we had fun, we served, we learned and grew. Fraters, you have been so faithful, generous, kind, considerate, so helpful in all endeavors that the success of this Bicentennial Year was really yours. Well done and thank you, outgoing Grand Line officers, DDGCs, committee chairs, and all that in one way or another, helped in this Chivalric Year! You are the most cohesive and forward thinking TEAM that works at its best in solidarity. Together Everyone Achieves More!

Congratulations to the new Right Eminent Grand Commander Dennis Mark Haas, the newly installed Grand Commandery Officers and all who will be serving this chivalric year. I am confident, you will do great. Continue to wear the Armor of God and allow it to guide you in your Masonic and daily lives. Enjoy the ride!

I will leave you with this quote, every second of each day is yours and is a gift, so LIVE it, LOVE it and make it WORTH it …. start today … IN HOC SIGNO VINCES.

I remain your humble servant.

Romulo M. “Romi” Capuno, KCT
Right Eminent Past Grand Commander
Bicentennial Grand Commander

Online Donation Portal

Knight Templar Store Banner

The Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Virginia’s IT Committee is please to announce that Phase 2 of the IT Modernization objective has been completed.

There is now an Online Donation Portal for the Baldwin-Brown Fund and the Holy Land Pilgrimage Fund. There will be future updates with the Permanent Fund and the Educational Foundation to be included.