Grand Commander
Benjamin F. Hill was born March 2, 1944 in Houston, Texas. He was the son of Benjamin F. Hill of Jennings, Louisiana, and Jane W. Cade of Houston, Texas (both deceased); he had five younger brothers and sisters-one brother is deceased, and his two sisters and two brothers live in Houston, Texas. He was educated in the public schools graduating May 1963 and enlisted into the United States Marine Corps in June 1965. He went through the ranks to Gunny Sergeant (E7), commissioned a Warrant Officer in January 1977, and appointed a Limited Duty Officer on May 1980 with Intelligence and Operational specialties. His combat duties were with the Third Battalion, Fourth Marines (3/4) and the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group (MAC-SOG). After a distinguishable career as a Tactical/Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Officer, he retired on July 1983.
He earned a Bachelor of Science with a major in Management and minor in Economics from Maryland University in 1988. He entered Graduate School at Golden Gate University and was awarded a Master of Public Administration Degree in Administrative Organization and Management Science August 26, 1989.
After retiring from the United States Marine Corps, he was employed as a senior Defense Intelligence Agency civilian at the United States Joint Forces Command in Norfolk, Virginia, where he was the Deputy Chief of Intelligence Plans, Policy, Programs & Resources Directorate and the Chief of Intelligence Policy & Strategic Planning Division. A forward thinker, innovative manager with a practical approach to analysis, he reduced complex issues to understandable terms. Often recognized for his professional knowledge, leadership and strong team-building skills, he retired in December 2009 and was presented the Joint Distinguished Civilian Service Award by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for his distinguishable service to the Department of Defense.
Sir Knight Hill is results-oriented, takes initiative, makes decisions, and accepts responsibility. He was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Fellowship Lodge No. 148, Portsmouth, Virginia, on April 09, 1991.
His leadership positions include:
Worshipful Master of Ivor No. 291 |1995 and 1996]
Worshipful Master of America Fellowship No. 143 [1997]
District Deputy Grand Master District No. 31 [1999]
High Priest of Mit Horeb Royal Arch Chapter No. 11 [1995-1996]
District Deputy Grand High Priest, Capitular District No. 21 [1997-1098]
Sovereign Master, Charles M. Flintoff Council Na. 198 [1999], Allied Masonic Degrees
Sovereign Master, J. Leon Codd Council No. 99 [2000]. Allied Masonic Degrees
Master of each of the Portsmouth Scottish Rite Bodies [1998, 2001, 2005, 2006]
President of Partsmouth Chapter No. 352 National Sojourners [2002-2003]
Commander of Gesport Camp Heroes of ’76’ [2004]
Curator, Library and Museum, Portsmouth Scottish Rite Bodies [2010 – Present]
Commander, Portsmouth Knights Templar Commandery No. 5 [2010-2011]
Secretary, Hampton Roads York: Rite College No. 95, YRSCNA [2012-2016]
Prior, Virginia Research Priory No. 1823 [2015]
Puissant Sovereign, St. Thomas Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine [2016]
Eminent Governor, Commonwealth College No. 50, YRSCNA [2017]
Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Virginia [2019]
Garden of Gethsemane No. 2, Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests [Seventh Pillar]
Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon [Deputy Marshall]
Virginia College, Societas Rosicruciana In Civitatibus Faedertis, VII Degree [3″ Ancient]
His Masonic membership also includes:
Lynn Commandery Knights Templar No. 9
Craddock Royal Arch Chapter No. 72 (Honorary)
Rose of Sharon Frior No. 2, Knights of the York Cross of Honour
Royal Order of Scotland
The Grand College of Rites of the United States of America
Portsmouth-Chesapeake Council No. 155, Allied Masonic Degrees
Installed Sovereign Master, Grand Council Allied Masonic Degrees
Royal Order of the Red Branch of Eri
Royal Order of Masonic Knights of the Scarlet Cord
King Darius Council No. 17, Knight Masons of U.S.A
Emerald Isle Council No. 30, Knight Masons of U.S.A.
The Masonic Society
Thrice Illustrious Masters in Virginia
Ye Antient Order of the Corks
Masonic Order of the Bath
Membership in Perpetuity in several Masonic Research Organizations:
Virginia Research RoyalĀ Arch Chapter No. 1753
Philalethes Society
Scottish Rite Research Society
Missouri Lodge of Research
Sir Knight Hill is an avid reader of History, Freemasonry and Esoteric subjects. He enjoys researching and writing Masonic papers for presentation at various Symbolic Lodges, Royal Arch Chapters, Allied Masonic Degree Chapters, Knights Templar Commanderies, Virginia College SRICF, and Scottish Rite Bodies. Many of his Masonic papers have been published in various Masonic publications and he has authored several planning documents for the Scottish Rite Valley of Portsmouth, Virginia:
Long-Range Strategic Plan: A Vision for the Future
Strategic Roadmap
Governance Structure
He also authored:
Portsmouth Lodge No. 100’s Bicentennial History: Evolution of a Virginia Lodge: The History of Portsmouth Lodge No. 100, A.F. & A.M., From December 14, 1814 to December 14, 2014
Grand Commandery of Virginia’s Long-Range Plan: The Swords of Process: A Vision of the FutureĀ 2018-2023
Sir Knight Hill’s Honors and Awards include:
Scottish Rite Fellow, Supreme Council Leadership Conference, Southern Jurisdiction [1998]
Ennobled Knight (1994) and Knight Commander (2012) of Red Branch of Eri, AMD
Silver Trowel, Grand Council Anointed High Priests of Virginia [1995]
Investiture of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour, Supreme Council Scottish Rite (1999)
Coroneted 33* Inspector General Honorary, Supreme Council Scottish [2007]
Sovereign Order of Knights Preceptor [2010]
Investiture Knight of the York Cross of Honour [2011)
Investiture of the Knight Templar Cross of Honor, Grand Encampment Knights Templar [2012]
Investiture Order of the Purple Cross, York Rite Sovereign College of North America [2014]
Investiture DeMolay Legion of Honor Honorary, International Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay [2018]
Investiture Knight York Rite Grand Cross of Honour with One Quadrant (2019)
DeMolay Medal of Achievement (2019)
Installed Worshipful Commander Noah, Grand Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners, Grand Council Allied
Masonic Degrees (2020)
Commissioned & Anointed Worthy Supreme Ruler, Grand Conclave of the Order of the Secret Monitor, Grand Council Allied Masonic Degrees (2020)
As Worshipful Master of America Fellowship No. 148 in 1997, Sir Knight Hill received the James Noah Hillman Memorial Award from the Grand Lodge of Virginia for exceptional service in the areas of Masonic Ritual, Education Achievement, Lodge Administration, and the Lodge’s Charity, Family and Community Programs.
As Commander of Portsmouth Commandery No. 5, the Portsmouth Commandery received the Right Eminent W. Crews Wooding Trophy from the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Virginia as the “Best Commandery” in Virginia in the 2010-2011 Chivalric year for Templar zeal and exceptional Chivalric program achievements and received the Ivan Clayton “Pat” Myers “Magna Cum Laude” Award for the Commandery’s high marks in Templar proficiency.
Sir Knight Hill is married to the former Carolann Person, holder of the Knight Templar Companion of the Temple Award, of Wildwood, New Jersey. The Hills live in Portsmouth, Virginia, where they enjoy reading and traveling. They have two sons; Michael lives in Oregon and Jeffrey lives in Virginia. The Hills are active members of Saint John’s Episcopal Church in Old Town Portsmouth, Virginia.