Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Virginia

Chartered May 6, 1828

On November 13th, 1827, at the Annual Meeting of the Grand Encampment of Virginia, it was found that the Appomattox Encampment paperwork and return were complete, but the full fee had not been paid (only $25 paid). The decision was made that the Dispensation would be continued until the next annual gathering to allow the rest of the fee to be paid. In that decision, it was understood that Sir Knight Daniel W Thomas, Most Eminent Grand Commander, would issue the charter once the fee was received. He would not need to wait until the next annual meeting.

On May 6th, 1828, Appomattox Encampment No. 6 was Chartered beginning with fifteen members and growing to thirty-three by the end of the year.

Appomattox Encampment (the name Encampment was changed to Commandery in 1957) met on the 1st Tuesday of the month- except July and August (dark) at their Asylum on West Tabb Street in Petersburg, Virginia for many years. During the time of the Civil War, it should be remembered that the meetings were scarce as many of its members were away serving their country. But it should also be noted Appomattox Commandery continued, as best as they were able to do, Knighting individuals to grow the ranks, and that on April 20th, 1864, they Knighted General George Pickett.

In 1889, a new Commandery was formed in Crew, Virginia, and due to the close ties between the individuals involved, they asked that Appomattox be allowed to name them. After much consideration, the members of Appomattox Commandery decided the name of the new Commandery should be Olivet Commandery No. 18 when it received its chartered on November 16, 1889.

The Grand Commandery of Virginia has always met annually but at various different places throughout the Commonwealth, and Petersburg hosted the 62nd, 65th, and 69th Grand Conclaves within the humble city limits.

Appomattox Commandery continued to grow from its humble beginnings, and it should be noted that for the year 1927, Official Proceedings show Appomattox Commandery’s membership to be 316 Sir Knights.

In 1969, Appomattox Commandery moved from its Asylum from West Tabb Street to a new Masonic building at 115 South Sycamore Street in Petersburg where they still meet today. In 1995, with a bylaw’s change, Appomattox Commandery moved its Conclaves to the third Thursday each month, but still dark in July and August. In 2004, with another bylaw’s change, Appomattox Commandery began meeting every month per year.

On May 15, 2011, and after much debate, the members of Olivet Commandery No. 18 voted on a resolution to merge with Appomattox Commandery No. 6 and on September 15, 2011, Appomattox Commandery voted unanimously to accept Olivet Commandery membership. Sir Knight Bradford F. Burnett, Knight Commander of the Templar and Right Eminent Grand Commander of Virginia, approved the merger by Decision 2011-003 with a date of effective December 31, 2011. Without further delay, Appomattox Commandery received Olivet Commandery’s membership into their ranks at the December 2011 Conclave. And, so, the history continues….

Throughout the history of Appomattox Commandery No.6, the Sir Knights have distinguished themselves through ritual, leadership, and dedication to the practice of Templary in Virginia.

These notable skills have been displayed within the Constituent Commanderies as well as within the Grand Commandery of Virginia where, since 1839, many of Appomattox Commandery’s members served in various positions, including eight Appomattox Commandery Knighted Sir Knights serving as Grand Commander of Virginia, all with distinction. Others showed their resolve, and their proficiency can be recognized through the numerous awards and trophies Appomattox Commandery and its Knights were awarded for excellence in the practice of Templary. Although the Commandery membership has grown,,,,,,,,, and fallen over the years, the Knights’ resolve remains strong.


Distinguished Right Eminent Grand Commanders (8)

Sir Knight John Pollard 1839-1845 (Morgan Affair)

Sir Knight James B. Blanks 1887-1889 Grand Recorder 1895-1919

Sir Knight John T. Parham 1895-1896

Sir Knight John E. Townes 1901-1902

Sir Knight Carl Frank Wood 1955-1956 Grand Recorder 1960-1965

Sir Knight Ernest M. Moore 1965-1966 Grand Recorder 1974-1991

Sir Knight Lawrence Barton Smith 2013-2014 Grand Recorder 2014-2016

Sir Knight Joseph Patrick Westfall, Jr. 2016-2017


Distinguished Right Eminent Grand Commanders (2)

Sir Knight William T. Buckner 1945-1946 Grand Recorder 1966-1974

Sir Knight Alexander M. Conner 1947-1948


Other Grand Line Officers Elected or Appointed, Serving with Distinction (1)

Sir Knight Thomas L. Varner 2022-2023 Grand Treasurer


District Deputy Grand Commanders District 1 (10)

Sir Knight Carl L.. Sitter 1996 Sir Knight Lawrence B. Smith 1999

Sir Knight Joseph P. Westfall, Jr. 2003 Sir Knight Henry M. Austin 2006

Sir Knight Christopher E. Crouse, Jr. 2008 Sr Knight Bobby Dean Hines. Sr. 2010

Sir Knight James L. Woolard 2013 Sir Knight Harless T. Dobbins, Jr. 2016

Sir Knight Robin Craig Sowers 2019 Sir Knight Thomas Lee Varner, Jr. 2022


Recipients of the Knight Templar Cross of Honor (2)

Sir Knight Liebert Archer 1966 Sir Knight Joseph P. Westfall, Jr. 2004


Recipients of the Knight Commander of the Temple (4)

Sir Knight Carl Sitter 1998 Sir Knight Joseph P. Westfall, Jr. 2005

Sir Knight Lawrence B. Smith 2007 Sir Knight Harless T. Dobbins, Jr. 2017


Charles A. Grice Meritorious Award (3)

Sir Knight Ernest M. Moore, Jr. 1984

Sir Knight Joseph P. Westfall, Jr. 2000

Sir Knight Lawrence B. Smith 2003


By Sir Knight Robin Craig Sowers, Recorder, Appomattox Commandery No. 6